Sunday, March 29, 2009

Finally Finished!

We finally finished Bryson's room today! Yay! We were supposed to paint the bottom half blue and the top half white. Bryson had the bright idea to paint blue circles in the white half. This brainstorm began with the empty tape roll. This made the big circle. I found a lotion cap that made a little circle. And then Bry found a hair roller that made a middle sized circle. I must say, I was very leary of this part of our painting journey. For the simple fact that if it looked awful, all of our hard work was for nothing and we would have to start over! But in the end, I think it turned out pretty cute. After it all dried, we starting hanging stuff on the walls. You will see in the pictures, that my daughter has a little bit of an ecclectic style. You just never know what you might find with her! I just let her hang what she wanted. It her space and it should show her style. It was hard work, but I did have a really good time with my daughter. We shared a lot of laughs. Like when I tripped and my butt landed in the paint tray! And a lot of "oops"! We both said that word a LOT! We had a good time and I really think she's pleased with the end result. I also think she's proud that she got to help and have a say in what was done to her room. I'm just really glad we're done! One of these days, I'll get started on the boys' room!

Gotta love the dirty drum head! Can't get rid of it though! She got it from a concert she went to. Not sure where the red cowboy hat fits in this room!

Bry loves that stupid hippie vest, so she decided to hang it on her wall.

Book shelf and what not corner. She made that shelf that's hanging on the wall in woods class last year.

She loves the ocean and she loves Twilight!

Closet side

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