Saturday, January 3, 2009

Bad Boys

I wanted to do a video of just the boys and they had so many funny pictures, I decided to do the video to the theme song from Cops, "Bad Boys". The hardest part was trying decide what pictures to use! I'm a picture fanatic, so I have tons. But I think I picked some pretty good ones! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Holiday Pictures

Dusty, Cinci and Bryson

Allen and Dusty wrestling on Christmas Eve. If you look close, you can see the leg lamp on TV! A Christmas Story ROCKS!!!

The sunset on the way home from Mom's on Christmas

Mikey getting comfy under the tree
Dusty singing his little heart out at the Christmas program at church

Bryson and Aunt Tedi on Christmas Eve

Bryson and Sharon

Ryan and his girlfriend, Angela on Christmas Eve

Uncle Charlie, Jordan and Dad on Christmas Eve


I originally posted this in 2009. I had just gotten a new computer with windows movie maker and I was playing around with it. I made these 2 videos. My video making skills have gotten a little better since these! My mom wanted me to re-post this so she could post it on Facebook. The second video is the one she actually wanted. It's all about Bryson and Bryson growing up. Seeing Steve's reaction to his baby girl going to prom last night reminded Mom of this song and this video. I watched it again and it made me cry! Here you go Mom!!!

First Day of 2009

First things first, I'm really not much of a blogger. My friend Lori talked me into this so I can post pictures and videos to share with friends and family that aren't on Myspace or Facebook. So, I thought I'd give it a whirl! My brother and Lori recently got me hooked on Windows Movie Maker, so I have been having a whole lot of fun putting music to my pictures and making videos!It has become somewhat of an addiction! I hoping I can upload my videos on here to share. This is the first time today I have been able to mess around on the computer. Steve and I just finished taking down our Christmas decorations. I guess that means the holidays are officially over. While I'm happy to get my living room back to normal, it still makes me a little sad! I have enjoyed being home with the kids over their break and spending time with them. As I am typing this, I just heard a scream coming from the other room! I guess I better go and find out who just hit who!