Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's Halloween!!!!

It's Halloween again!!! The kids have been busy getting their costumes together and carving pumpkins. They all ended up with some pretty cool pumpkins. On the 29th, Attica had trick or treat. Dusty dressed up as a waiter from the "Walking Dead Cafe". Jordan decided to stay home and hand out candy. He dressed up as a zombie gangster. He ended up handing out LOTS of candy. In fact, more than we ever have before. Bryson was trick or treating with the student council. Every year our student council trick or treats for canned goods to go to the local food pantry. Bryson went as a 1920's flapper girl. She had a party to go to on the 30th. The boys and I decided to go to Williamsport for round #2 of trick or treating. It was a beautiful fall night. PERFECT trick or treat weather. They got loads of candy and I am having a hard time staying out of it! Darned butterfingers! Sadly, I put the costumes away in the garage, because our Halloween is over for the year. :(

Dustin Sullivan, the head waiter at the Walking Dead Cafe

Thanks to my dear friend Lori for making our menu and designing our iron-on for Dusty's apron!
Anyone hungry???

The 1920's flapper girl Bryson! The real Bryson would never touch a cigarette!

The zombie gangster

The two dead guys sizing each other up!

Dusty with the Galloway Gang-Addy, Mallory and the scary werewolf, Mitchell!

The cat ate the mouse!

Jordan's alien pumpkin

Jordan's big tooth guy

Jordan's last creation

The boy in the Steeler's jersey carving the Colts pumpkin

Bry working really hard

Dusty's haunted house

Dusty's Zero dog from Nightmare Before Christmas

My tombstone pumpkin. Yes, I had a stencil and traced mine!

Bryson's spooky graveyard pumpkin


Dusty's Jack Skellington pumpkin

The day Lori's kid's costumes were delivered at work, we couldn't resist having a little fun. That is one scary werewolf! I asked her if she could morph into Jacob Black.... I'm still waiting for that!

Fall Pictures at the Potholes

Monday, October 11, 2010

National Honor Society

A few weeks ago I got an email from the school telling me that Bryson had made it into the National Honor Society and I was supposed to keep it a secret! What??? How could I possibly keep such a big thing a secret??? I did tell a few adults and they were all sworn to secrecy. Sharon couldn't hardly stand it! It was tough, but I managed. Well, I almost let the cat out of the bag when I suggested she wear something nice that day-just in case she got in. She told me they don't tell the kids, they tell the parents. I told her I hadn't received a call or an email telling me she got in. So, she just thought she didn't make it this year. So, they snuck all of us parents in and hid us until the kids' names were called. We came out and met them at the front of the stage as they were going up. She was surprised and promptly called me a liar! Hee, Hee! I am so glad I was able to keep quiet! Surprising her was so much fun!Afterwards, they had a brunch for the new members and their parents. The new members got clean up duty! I was soooo proud of her! And I might add, she was the only sophomore this year that was selected. She has worked so hard for this. She has always been an honor student, but NHS looks at other things besides grades-Leadership, volunteer work, other activities. She's active in student council and has volunteered for bible school and was also a counselor at Hanging Rock Christian Camp for the 3rd and 4th graders. I say she worked hard, but she actually enjoys every second of all of these things! We are so blessed to have this fabulous young lady! Even if she has the messiest bedroom EVER!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I Guess We Can't Have Everything

Bryson is an almost perfect teenager. What I mean by perfect is that she's smart, she's sweet, she doesn't talk back, she respects others, she's just an all around great kid.Her one flaw??? Her bedroom! It's awful! It's scary! I am seriously afraid she will grow up and I will see her on one of those Hoarders shows. Now my parents will tell you that I had a messy room as a kid. I will admit, I was no neat freak. I'm still not. But I think my parents will agree, that my room wasn't anywhere close to being as terrible as Bryson's! A pair of jeans and shirt on the floor is nothing compared to the room that looks like the entire closet puked all over the floor! But I guess, we can't have it all. So, I will stick with the sweet, respectable girl with the disgusting bedroom. I do feel the need to share a few pics, just so you can get an idea of what I am talking about!

That suitcase has been there since we got back from vacation in August!

This is her bed. She sleeps on it just like this every night. Just pushes everything over.

She has 2 closets and yet all of her clothes are strung all about her room!

Probably the cleanest spot in the room. This is where she does her hair and puts her makeup on. The other day, she made the comment that she needs to clean this area up! Doesn't matter that she takes her own life into her hands just to walk through her room to get to this area!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fall is Here!!!

Fall just happens to be my favorite season. Mums, pumpkins, sweatshirts, football, caramel apples, not having to use the air conditioner or the furnace, just opening the windows to let the fresh air in, colorful leaves, beef stew or chili cooking all day filling the whole house with yummy smells. I love the looks of Fall. I love the smell of Fall. I love Halloween. I love the sounds of the leaves crunching under my feet as I walk. The only I can think of that I don't like is when I have to rake all of those beautiful leaves up once they fall to the ground! But for now, I'm going to enjoy every second of it! Friday, the kids and I went to Brown's accents and got some mums and pumpkins. After that we just kind of drove around the country roads. We got out and took a few pictures. You know me! I don't go anywhere without my camera! Yesterday, the boys and I met Mom at the Halloween Store in Crawfordsville, so I could start collecting materials for Dusty's costume this year. I am getting antsy to get started on it! After that, we went to a pumpkin patch by Mom's. They had HUGE pumpkins! Of course, even though they just got pumpkins on Friday, they conned Mom into buying them more. They are already discussing how they are going to carve them. They love this time of year too! We are all going to enjoy it because we know it won't be long until the snow starts flying!