Sunday, February 10, 2013

In A Few Short Months....

In a few short months, my first born and only daughter will be graduating high school. Having a real hard time with this! Soooo not ready for her to leave the house and go off to college. She has been accepted into Purdue University (about 30 minutes away) and the University of New Haven in West Haven Connecticut (uummmm about 863 miles away). It doesn't take a scientist to see which school I want her to go to! She has some decisions to make here soon! I tried to use this past weekend's blizzard on the East Coast to help sway her decision. She isn't a fan of cold and snow, so I was hoping 30+ inches of snow might scare her a little. :) She's a smart girl and I know she will make the best decision for herself. Still crossing my fingers for Purdue! Below are her senior pictures. My talented cousin, Fantacy, came over from Ohio to take them in September. I have ordered some wallets, but I am having a terrible time choosing ones that I want for my house. I really want them all!

If you know Bryson, you know she doesn't go anywhere without her purple backpack. It belonged to my brother, Ryan. Ryan used it in preschool. My stepmom gave it Bry several years ago and she first used it as a backpack, but in recent years, it has become her purse. That backpack/purse has been to camp, concerts, everywhere. It has been signed by friends and bands from the concerts that she has been to. She loves to collect buttons and they are displayed on her backpack as well. The puppy in the backpack was given to her by my brother, Trevor, a few months before he died. Puppy has also been a lot of places-vacations, camps, sleepovers. He lost his bark after going through the washer after he was thrown up on one night. He has lost an eye. His ears have had to be re-attached. He has been one loved puppy! He still sleeps with Bry every  night. She wanted a few of her pics to be taken with her special puppy.

Just a few of her favorite things- Her backpack, her puppy and her most comfortable Sperry's!

She wanted to sign her own name to her pics so she uploaded this one into Jordan's tablet and signed it before having it printed off.

She signed this one also.

You won't see too many serious faces. She is far too smiley to be serious!

This right here screams "Bryson"! She is always happy, always dancing and I think this one and the color one below is my favorites of the bunch!

This one took my breath away when I saw it!

I can't decide if I like this one better in color or B&W!

After we got back to the house, we decided to get a few with our kitties. This is CJ, the one below is Mikey!

Bry and Fantacy's daughter, Chloe goofing off in between shots