Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Uncle Mark

Today started okay. Dusty was still sick, but I knew I had some things I had to get done at work, so I went in until 9:00. Attica had a 2 hour delay due to fog, so I came home and took Bryson and Jordan to school and Steve left for work. So, it was me and Dusty hanging out today. He was trying to sleep so I turned my phone down so he wouldn't get woke up. That is when I guess I missed a call from Lucinda, Uncle Mark's wife. I later talked to mom and while we were talking Aunt Elana came over. So mom and I hung up. Elana was going to mom's to tell her what Lucinda had called me about. Uncle Mark had a heart attack and died last night. It's amazing how one phone call can change everything. Here I was having a perfectly normal day, then I find this out. Those of you who knew Uncle Mark, knew how crazy he was! He had a rough life and maybe put his body through a lot. His partying eventually ruined his health. The man who once walked the Appalachian Trail and hitchhiked across the United States was now in such bad shape he had to walk with a cane and could barely get around. He had a couple of strokes and several heart attacks. But even with all that, he still kept plugging along. He was that guy that you just knew would live forever! Like his daughter said, it was like he was just too ornery to die. He was a fun guy. Dusty called him a "fart machine". Did I mention he used to LIGHT his farts? LOL! Because of him, I have always been known as "Boogies" in my family. Grandparents, aunts uncles, cousins, all called me Boogies! Thanks Uncle Mark! I knew his health wasn't good, but the phone call still shocked me. I am so thankful to Lucinda for taking care of him when his health was failing. I know it wasn't always easy. Uncle Mark could be a handful! I will miss our morning talks on my way to work. For awhile it was almost every morning! But I changed my phone plan and didn't have as many minutes, so I just couldn't talk with him as much as I had before. He was so excited when he called to tell me they got snow! I'm thinking "Big Whoop" because at that point I was over snow! LOL! But he was excited. The man could drive you crazy, but he could make you laugh all the same. I am happy he finally has some peace in his life and has gone to a better place. Boogies is going to miss her Uncle Mark...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What a Beautiful Day!

Today was a beautiful day! Especially for February 25th in Indiana!It got up to 55 degrees today and the sun was shining! Steve and I were both off of work and the kids had school. We decided that since it was so nice out, we'd work in the backyard. Which I might add was a mess! Usually we try to get the leaves out to the curb in the fall so the city can pick them up. This past fall, the leaves took forever to fall from the trees and pretty much by the time they fell, we got snow! We got the front yard done, but that back yard never got raked! So, there were piles of leaves, some still frozen and multiple piles of dog poop that were in desperate need of being raked! It was a perfect day for yard work. We were both out working comfortably in sweatshirts. Not too hot, not too cold. I'm not much for yard work. But I have to say, I really enjoy when Steve and I are out working together. We actually end up having fun. Plus, with 2 of us working at it, we get done sooo much faster! In the end, we ended up with 16 bags of leaves and debris that we will have to cart to the curb, plus a bunch of limbs and sticks!The guys that work for the city are gonna love us when they come by to pick all of that up! I'm so glad the snow decided to stay away so we could get this done. It looks sooo much better and the dog is definitely happy!
While we were working in the yard, Steve went inside to get another load of laundry going and the school called. Dusty was throwing up and running a fever. GREAT! I thought we were over the sick stuff, but apparently not. Steve went and picked him up. He came home and just laid around all day. Kind of in and out of sleep. Poor buddy! He's still not too perky.
Jordan came home from school and took the dog for a much needed walk! It's been too cold to really go for walks. Either cold or rainy when it has warmed up! He was complaining about being bored since he still doesn't get to play any video games, so I suggested he take Cinci for another walk. So, he did. That poor dog is wiped out! She stayed outside with Steve and I most of the day and went on 2 walks! She's been laying around a lot tonight also!
Oh that Bryson! She has been "cleaning" her room for days now and we have yet to see any progress. In fact it's gotten worse! She pulled everything out of her closets and dresser drawers. Which is what I do when I finally have enough! I dump it all out in the middle of the floor and we go to town, organizing, pitching stuff. I just haven't the energy to fight with her lately, so it has been easier to just shut the door and forget about it! But her dad has had enough! So, she has a huge pile of clothes, stuffed animals, duffel bags, trash, you name it, right in the middle of her floor. The only problem is, she lacks the ambition to get it all cleaned up! But her daddy has taken the computer away until she gets her room in order. That has seemed to light a little fire under her butt to work on it! We'll see! Until next time.....

Bryson's lovely room! See why her dad is so mad?

Poor sick little Dusty...

After 2 walks, both Jordan and Cinci are exhausted!

A few of our leaf bags stick that are to be taken to the curb

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Dead Fish and Overflowing Toilets

Oh... This week started out so nice. Monday was President's Day, so I had the day off of work. Yippee! Even better, the kids were supposed to be off also but had so many snow days, that they ended having to go to school. And Steve had to work! That meant I had the house all to myself! Double Yippee! It was such a nice quiet day. I got some cleaning done and did a whole lot of relaxing!
So, Tuesday.... Those Monday holidays are so nice, but the Tuesday after a Monday holiday is another story! We just always know those days are gonna be crazy! So, I started off my morning with a lady calling because she needed her roof fixed. Has known this for at least a month. But since it was supposed to rain Tues. and Wed. she wanted us to fix it that day. I was trying to explain to her that this is not an overnight process. There is an application to fill out. We need contractors to go out and give us some estimates. Apparently she didn't like my answer, because she curtly replied "Well isn't that just bubbly!" and hung up on me! This just set the tone for the whole day! The school calls next. As soon as I see that number on my phone, I'm thinking someone is sick. Not the case this time, Jordan got a homework slip on Monday. He knows if he brings this home, he'll lose his PSP until the weekend. So, he tears it up. The teacher caught him and made him tape it back together. He then puts it in his desk and STILL doesn't bring it home! Then on top of that, still doesn't do the homework! What was he thinking??? So, because the homework isn't done, he has mandatory homework club after school. This gets over at 4:00 and he will have to be signed out by a parent. I don't get off of work until 5 and Steve until 6! I ended up having to leave work at 3:30 in order to get him picked up in time. He was sooo not happy to see me! So, we get home and Dusty meets me at the door to tell me the sucker fish is acting weird and swimming upside down sucking air. Last week was Jordan's birthday, so I took him shopping and he wanted an aquarium. I bought him the whole set up and we came home Saturday and put it all together. Then went to Pet Smart on Sunday and he bought fish with some of his birthday money. The girl told me to keep the receipt because we have a 2 week warranty on the fish. Needless to say the sucker fish was dying. Dusty reminded me of the warranty and I reminded him that I don't go to Lafayette every day and I'm not driving all the way up the there for a $3 fish! And I'm sure not keeping a dead fish in a bag until I do go! If they all would have died, it would be a different story! Anyway, come to find out, the fish did not die of natural causes. It may have had some help. Dusty was poking around in there with the net trying to find the catfish that buries itself in the rocks. And he MAY have poked the sucker fish and broken one of its fins. My boys just can't seem to grasp the concept that these are fish!!! You LOOK at them! They aren't to play with. So, now they are both forbidden to touch the net! I flush the poor dead sucker fish down the toilet and head to the kitchen to fix dinner. The dog is scratching at the back door, so I open it to let her in and find that she has rolled in the mud. I mean ROLLED in the mud! Mud everywhere! I take her in to clean her up and get Bry started on dishes that she was supposed to do when she got home from school. Get the dog cleaned up, head back to the kitchen to fix dinner. Hear a glass shatter! Now I have glass all over the kitchen. As I'm cleaning glass up, Steve comes storming in the kitchen looking for the mop because the toilet overflowed! Are you kidding me??? I clean the glass. Steve cleans the bathroom. By this time, I've had it! As soon as I'm through with dinner and I get everything cleaned up, I retreat to my room for some ME time. Trust me, for my sake and my family's sake I needed it! I turned on the TV and watched my other favorite family. Jon and Kate Plus 8. Those kids are sooo stinkin cute! And that show helps to things into perspective for me! I don't even know what hectic and chaotic is compared to them! So, I take time to reflect on the day and here's what I discovered:
1. I may grumbling about a crazy day at work, but at least I have a job to go to. And it's a job I enjoy. I may have been hung up on. But for that one lady that hung up on me, there are 10 more people who are going stay on the line and listen to what they have to do so we can help them! We are helping people who otherwise may not get help anywhere else. We are helping people achieve the dream of owning their own homes! So, I not only have a job. It's a job that means something and it's helping people! How awesome is that? It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and yes, maybe a little "BUBBLY" inside!
2. Yes, Jordan may have gotten into trouble. But this is the only time this year. I realize that kids are only human and they are going to make mistakes. I would rather him learn about actions and consequences now for petty things rather than having him do somthing really bad when he is older and learn it then. I do have to say on this snowy yucky Saturday, his consequences are affecting me also! He's bored and can't play video games or computer! And I won't let his friend come over! So, Jordy is driving us all crazy! LOL! But this mean old mom isn't giving in!
3. My little troublemaker, fish murderer and procrastinating glass breaker are all healthy! My husband loves me and had no problem with having me go into the other room to calm down. He finished working on the laundry and made sure everyone had their showers.
4. I am truly blessed for what God has given me. My life is pretty good. I have 3 great kids. A very loving and helpful husband. The rest of my family and friends are awesome! And I am even thankful for that stinky, muddy bassett hound! She meets me at the door every night when I come home. Tail wagging and just wiggling all over, happy to see me! And did I mention she likes to dance with me? I start to dance and here she comes! The kids get so mad! She won't dance with them. Just her mommy. Yep, I'm one lucky girl. And you're probably tired of hearing me ramble, so I will go now and see why Dusty is screaming at Jordan! I told you Jordy is driving everyone crazy! Those video games are his life and he doesn't know what to do without them! It's gonna be a long day....

Friday, February 20, 2009

Fun Day of Sledding

Bry taking a break to pose for the camera

Dusty Attempting to snowboard

Jordan heading down the hill