Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What a Beautiful Day!

Today was a beautiful day! Especially for February 25th in Indiana!It got up to 55 degrees today and the sun was shining! Steve and I were both off of work and the kids had school. We decided that since it was so nice out, we'd work in the backyard. Which I might add was a mess! Usually we try to get the leaves out to the curb in the fall so the city can pick them up. This past fall, the leaves took forever to fall from the trees and pretty much by the time they fell, we got snow! We got the front yard done, but that back yard never got raked! So, there were piles of leaves, some still frozen and multiple piles of dog poop that were in desperate need of being raked! It was a perfect day for yard work. We were both out working comfortably in sweatshirts. Not too hot, not too cold. I'm not much for yard work. But I have to say, I really enjoy when Steve and I are out working together. We actually end up having fun. Plus, with 2 of us working at it, we get done sooo much faster! In the end, we ended up with 16 bags of leaves and debris that we will have to cart to the curb, plus a bunch of limbs and sticks!The guys that work for the city are gonna love us when they come by to pick all of that up! I'm so glad the snow decided to stay away so we could get this done. It looks sooo much better and the dog is definitely happy!
While we were working in the yard, Steve went inside to get another load of laundry going and the school called. Dusty was throwing up and running a fever. GREAT! I thought we were over the sick stuff, but apparently not. Steve went and picked him up. He came home and just laid around all day. Kind of in and out of sleep. Poor buddy! He's still not too perky.
Jordan came home from school and took the dog for a much needed walk! It's been too cold to really go for walks. Either cold or rainy when it has warmed up! He was complaining about being bored since he still doesn't get to play any video games, so I suggested he take Cinci for another walk. So, he did. That poor dog is wiped out! She stayed outside with Steve and I most of the day and went on 2 walks! She's been laying around a lot tonight also!
Oh that Bryson! She has been "cleaning" her room for days now and we have yet to see any progress. In fact it's gotten worse! She pulled everything out of her closets and dresser drawers. Which is what I do when I finally have enough! I dump it all out in the middle of the floor and we go to town, organizing, pitching stuff. I just haven't the energy to fight with her lately, so it has been easier to just shut the door and forget about it! But her dad has had enough! So, she has a huge pile of clothes, stuffed animals, duffel bags, trash, you name it, right in the middle of her floor. The only problem is, she lacks the ambition to get it all cleaned up! But her daddy has taken the computer away until she gets her room in order. That has seemed to light a little fire under her butt to work on it! We'll see! Until next time.....

Bryson's lovely room! See why her dad is so mad?

Poor sick little Dusty...

After 2 walks, both Jordan and Cinci are exhausted!

A few of our leaf bags stick that are to be taken to the curb

1 comment:

  1. Ooohhh Heather, that sweet lil Dusty. He looks like a doll baby! Why do they look so sweet while they are sleeping? Then you look at Bryson's floor and reality hits. Did our rooms look like that when we were her age? Our poor mothers...
