Saturday, November 10, 2012

Veteran's Day

Tomorrow is Veteran's Day. Please take a moment to thank a Veteran. Here in the next month we will be enjoying Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years with our families. How many of our men and women in uniform will be away from their families? How many holidays, birthdays, births, first steps, etc. have they missed so we can enjoy the many freedoms we have? I am thankful everyday for these brave men and women. I am thankful to come from a family with a strong military background. I get emotional just talking about them. The pride literally overwhelms me! I love you guys!Please enjoy the Veteran's Day video I have made. There are quite a few pics of my family members included. If you are a part of my family and in the military and I could find a picture of you, you are in here. And I may have had to swipe a few from your facebook pages to get them! :) The song is "On My Watch Tonight". It is by Mike Corrado. If you haven't heard of him, he is a singer/songwriter and also an active duty Marine. I am a fan of all patriotic songs, but this man has actually been a soldier. He has lived what he is singing about. He has some great songs. You should check him out! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Boooooo on Halloween!!!

Halloween was kind of a big bummer for me this year. Only Dusty and Bryson were going to be dressing up. Jordan is too old for trick or treating and was just planning to hand out candy. Bry is in student council and they trick or treat for non-perishable food items for the food pantry every year. Steve was surprised that Dusty was still going to trick or treat. I had to remind him that Dusty is still only 12 years old! But with his size and maturity, we both tend to forget that he is as young as he is. He has always been years beyond his actual age! Anyway, Bry made her costume this year. She went as Batgirl. She found the idea on Pinterest and being a huge fan of superheroes, she fell in love with it. Dusty was torn on what he wanted to do. Normally we do something that involves a box or something that is hard for him to get around in alone. But..... since he is 12 this year, there was a no mom's allowed trick or treat rule, so we had to come up with something that he could maneuver around in without me helping him. BOOOO! So, we wandered around the Halloween store looking for ideas. He was first going to be a zombie redneck, but his sister was coming up with all kinds of extravagant makeup ideas and he decided that he didn't want to do that anymore. I was in the aisle the caveman costumes and remembered that I had seen some ideas for a voodoo witch doctor, so he decided that was a cool idea. We got him a hula skirt, wig, lots of skeleton stuff and makeup (he still wasn't thrilled about the makeup, but it was far less than what Bry had planned for the zombie redneck!), but we couldn't find a skull staff. So, the kids found a "pimp cane" and a foam skull so we could make our own skull staff. We had to make a stop at Hobby Lobby for feathers because Bry wanted to weave feathers into his wig. The staff turned out easy to make. I just cut part of his hula shirt off and glued it around the gold part of the pimp cane. I had to dig a little hole in the bottom of the foam skull, but it fit right on to the end of the cane. Then I was just able to poke the feathers into the foam. Turned out pretty cool! I wanted to dress up the skirt a little, so I glued some fake bones and feathers around the waist of the skirt. It ended up being very cold for trick or treat, so he had to wear a shirt and long pants. In fact, I made him wear a thermal shirt under his regular shirt! Now, here's where I get bummed out... I knew he was going to want to go off trick or treating with his friends, but I thought he would still do the downtown parade and costume contest with me. So, I went in and told him we needed to start getting him ready to go downtown and he said, "I don't want to do the parade this year". It was like a punch to the gut! I have known this day was coming. My baby is 12. I knew my fun Halloween days were coming to an end, but I wasn't quite prepared for it to be this year! Halloween has always been one of my favorite days of the year. I love making the kids costumes and going trick or treating. :(    So, I sulked for a little while, then pulled my big girl panties up. The good part about not going downtown was that I was able to see Bry and gets pics of her before she headed out. I dropped her off with her group, then Dusty and I headed to my dad's. They always have family over on Halloween. The kids that don't want to trick or treat hand out candy and the adults just hang out. My stepmom always has snacks and they usually get pizza. At least that part was fun! Steve and Jordan hung around here, so they could hand out candy in our neighborhood. Well, Jordan did for awhile. Until he ditched his dad when his friend came by. They ended up at Dad's house too. Dusty met up with his friends from over there. And I watched my baby take off and ditch his momma on Halloween! Almost as bad being stood up at the prom!For the record, that is just a reference. I was never stood up at the prom! :)  In the end, we ended up with a TON of candy left over. Steve said we hardly had any trick or treaters. Nobody else around us had their lights on and if you are driving by, who wants to drag your kids out of the car for one house? There weren't as many at my dad's house either. I am assuming the cold weather didn't help much. My stepmom sent us home with most of their leftover candy and after we added that with what we had left, we had WAY more than what we started with! Kit Kats and Heath bars beware! You have a sad, bummed out momma coming for you!

P.S. On a great note, Bryson said the student council ended up with lots of food for the food pantry!

People were surprised when The Sullivan's didn't have any blood and gore this year. Just some skulls and bones! And a cute little Batgirl! :)

I put this thing out on the porch on Halloween night. It has a sensor in it, so if somebody walks by, the eyes light up and it makes scary noises. However, it wouldn't work. Not sure if the sensor was messed up or the batteries were just bad, but it wouldn't work. That was until this morning at 6:15 as I was stumbling out the door, half asleep to take Bry to catch the bus for Indy to the state student council convention. Scared us to death when that thing went off. Guess the joke's on me!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Every Weekend Should Be So Great!!!

Last weekend had to be one of the best weekends ever! It started out with our baby girl being crowned Homecoming Queen at Friday night's football game! I am so very proud of her. She is not only beautiful on the outside, she is so beautiful on the inside. I am not just saying that because I am her mom, you can ask anyone that knows her. She really is!! We couldn't be prouder of the wonderful young woman she has become!

My camera was giving me fits, so I did the best that I could with my cell phone.

My cup runneth over.....

Saturday night, my mom, our friend Kasey and I went to the Jason Aldean/Luke Bryan concert at Klipsch Music Center in Noblesville. The sunset was beautiful that night!
The 3 of us waiting for the show to start. It was the best concert that I have ever been to. Those guys rocked it out! I WILL see them again!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Songs of My Brother

Kenny Chesney has a song called "I Go Back". It's about how hearing a certain song can take your mind back to a certain place or time. There are so many songs that take me on a trip back in time with my brother, Trevor. Tomorrow will be 15 years since he passed away. Music plays such a huge part in my memories of him. When you lose someone, memories are what get you through the pain of losing them. Even the most insignificant memories, become big memories. Even the things that may have been aggravating or even the things that may have made you mad, become treasured moments. You wrap those memories up like fragile glass and store them in your mind and in your heart. These are the songs that remind me of HIM, not his death, but his life. These are the memories I have stored in my heart.... In Kenny's words "Everytime I hear that song, I go back".

Alvin and the Chipmunks "Christmas Don't Be Late"- This song takes me back to Christmas in July when we were kids. Trevor loved this tape so much he played it over and over and over again. Even in July, yes I said July. It was annoying! It drove us crazy! But he loved it. I can't hear it now without going back to our living room in the trailer that was off the road on 55. Of course nowadays I usually only hear it at Christmas time! :)

Eddy Grant "Electric Avenue"- All 3 of us kids loved this song. I remember yelling the lyrics as I was jumping into our swimming pool. This song continues to provide laughs to us. You see, Trevor added another line to the song. He insisted it was actually in the song, it wasn't.  He said the song said "We gonna rock down to Electric Avenue and then we'll take it higher. In the Country". And his "In the Country" was a twangy shrill sounding mess! So, we did what we always did and made fun of him. I think this may have triggered his rage the day he decided to pick up a hatchet and chase us with it. Luckily, Travis and I were faster runners than him, so we got away, found a good hiding place and lived to tell about it. I really think he was mad enough to use that hatchet on us that day!

Michael Jackson "Thriller"- Trevor was terrified of this song. Vincent Price's talking part just about sent him over the edge. So, what did Travis and I do? We played it over and over again. We were mean!

AC/DC "Big Balls"- We found Dad's 8-track tapes. This song made us giggle hysterically! My mom didn't see the humor in little Trevor going around singing about having big balls. She also didn't think it was funny when we found the Cheech and Chong 8-track tape. Especially when we repeated it word for word!

Da Bears "Super Bowl Shuffle"- It PAINS me to admit this, especially since the Colts season opener is against the Bears tomorrow, but, we loved this song! This song not only reminds me of Trevor, but also my Memaw. It got big around the time we were going to Michigan that year. Memaw hated this song, but she knew how much we loved it, so she let us listen to it everytime it came on in the car, which was a lot at that time! Of course, she complained the whole time it was on, but she left it on for us. She was right, it was a stupid song! GO COLTS!!!

Hanson "MMMBop"- song just about caused World War 3 between Trevor, Ryan and Allen one time. No, Trevor did NOT like this song! Hated it! Despised it! And the younger boys loved it. Yes, Ryan Dill, the biggest music critic I know, listened to Hanson! Trevor finally got sick of hearing it, so he stole the CD and hid it. Sharon walked into screaming, yelling and total chaos. I was standing the kitchen tuning it all out. Frankly, the screaming and yelling was better than listening to MMMBop one more time!

When Trevor hit the teenage years, we didn't quite see eye to eye on music. I was more into hip hop/R&B and he had started listening to Grunge/Alternative. I found that stuff quite annoying at the time and since he knew I was annoyed, he played them over and over again. I guess that's payback for torturing him with Thriller. The following were the worst!

Presidents of the United States "Peaches"- I mean, Really who sings about peaches! Dumb!

Weezer "The Sweater Song"- Another dumb song! Who writes a song about a sweater????

Weezer "Buddy Holly"- He used to sing this one to Bryson. Only he changed the lyrics to "Ooh-we-Ooh, I look just like Uncle Trevor". Thinking of that just makes me smile!

Nirvana "Smells Like Teen Spirit"- Trevor loved Nirvana. I couldn't understand what they were saying.Heck, I still can't understand what they are saying! The last gift I ever bought for Trevor was a Nirvana t-shirt. Jordan has it now. He shares a little bit of his Uncle Trevor's music tastes!

Green Day "When I Come Around"- Actually I secretly liked this song, but their album was called "Dookie" and I just couldn't like a band that called their album "Dookie"!

Beck "Loser"- He taught Bryson to sing this song. I didn't laugh. My little blond haired, blue eyed two year walking around singing "I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me" was bothersome! Trevor thought it was sooooo freaking funny!

Even though I hated these songs at the time, if I hear them come on the radio, I crank them right up and sing along. All except for Nirvana, I still crank it up, but I don't sing along since I still don't know what they are saying! I am usually grinning from ear to ear. They make me think of my little brother. On occasion, they have triggered some tears. Yes, "I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me" has made me cry once or twice.

The other songs have been silly or funny reminders of my brother. This next one is a different story. This song  brings me pride. Everytime I hear this song it takes me back to Parris Island, South Carolina on October 18, 1996. That was the day Trevor graduated from boot camp. I can not express how proud I was of him that day. I saw a Trevor I had never seen before. He was proud and confident. I loved seeing him like this. And when I hear this song, it normally brings me to tears. Not sad tears, but it fills me with pride and takes me right back to that day. Semper Fi!
 I love you and miss you so much little brother!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Our Last Few Days of Vacation....

Friday we went to the Waterfront Park in downtown Beaufort. The Waterfront Park is one of my very favorite places in the world. I spent a lot of time down there when we lived in Beaufort. Bryson and Jordan used to love playing at the park. We walked around the Waterfront, then went through some of the shops downtown. And of course had to stop for ice cream! That evening we went to our friends Ken and Ken's house for dinner. As always that was super fun! Especially after a few glasses of wine!
The kids got a kick out of the this homemade boat

Hey look! It's Jordan! Actually looking at the camera!

Good "ol Dusty with his squinty eyes. His poor eyes are super sensitive to the sun. Bry says he's been ruining pictures since 2000- the year he was born!

The kids and Johnny. What a bunch of goofs!

Such a beautiful park!

The Woods Memorial Bridge coming into downtown Beaufort from Lady's Island.

The old houses in downtown Beaufort are just gorgeous!

Mom, the kids and I

Bry had been whining because she never got a birthday cake this year. Uuummmm, she was never home! Anyway, Ken made her a cake and surprised her with it when we went to their house for dinner. He makes the best pound cake I have ever eaten! They couldn't find any candles, so they put a tea light candle on it. We all got a good laugh out of that! So, Bry got her cake after all, 23 days later. And the next night on the dock, someone was letting off fireworks over the water. She's a 4th of July baby and used to having fireworks for her birthday. This year because of the drought in Indiana, we weren't able to have any fireworks. So, in the last 2 nights of vacation, she got her cake and her fireworks.

Saturday, we went into town and did a little school shopping. We were only going to have 2 weekends left before school when we got home and my brother's family was going to be in town the first weekend and I also had a wedding that weekend. And shopping the last weekend before school starts is always chaos! Plus, Bry had some Rue 21 coupons that she needed to get used before they expired. And shop, she did! The boys grabbed a couple of shirts, then fussed at her to hurry up. There is no rushing Bry to hurry when she is in shopping mode! We got the shopping all done, then we stopped at Steve's grandma's house to visit with her and his aunt for awhile. Luckily, we got to see his grandpa for a few minutes too. It is always great to see them and catch up. After that, we headed back up to the house. Our friend Chris came up and we drank more wine and hung out on the dock. We didn't want to go in that night knowing we had to head home the next morning. It was such a fun week. It always is. Looking forward to next year!
Wow-Another Jordan pic!
And another one! He was fishing something out of the water. Some kind of weird light bulb.

After we take Bryson shopping, we always get a fashion show

And another- she was super excited about those boots!

Fashion show continued on the dock

And one last pic!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Thursday of our vacation was spent in Savannah.I love Savannah so much! I hate that I lived so close for all of those years and didn't take the time to enjoy the history and beauty of the city. I did, however, explore the nightlife! But, now that I am old and uncool, I want to see the other stuff. I couldn't hang with the nightlife anymore! The day we went, it was hot and I mean, melt your face off HOT! But we wandered in and out of the air conditioned stores on River Street, so that helped with the heat some. We don't have a Five Guys Burgers and Fries around here, so the kids wanted that for dinner. The adults were thinking mexican and margarita's but the kids, as usual, won out. I do wish I would have run into Wet Willy's and gotten a frozen drink! That would have cooled me off! After we ate, we wandered around some of the squares and went to the 432 Abercorn house so the kids could see it in the daylight. Yep, just as creepy in the daylight as it was at night! This year, we went on a Tara Tour walking ghost tour. I do have to admit, I enjoyed the Blue Orb Tour we took last year better, but it was still fun.We didn't get too many pics of the tour. My camera just doesn't take very good night pics. One of these days, I will have one that will!
Me and my kiddos-this was before I got too hot!
Mom and Ricky with the kids

Ricky and Johnny with the kids

Bry had me a nervous wreck walking around the brick and cobblestone streets of Savannah in the shoes! She didn't trip though, until she put her flip flops on later for the ghost tour.

Just my 3

Best place to cool off? Savannah's Candy Kitchen! It felt great in there! And you could watch them make salt water taffy and  occasionally they would toss one to you! Plus, we got free samples of the pecan pralines! Yum! Coulda stayed there all day!

It was so hot that we bought fans. Johnny looked awfully pretty with his!
The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist-absolutely breathtaking! Next year I want to get there early enough to tour the inside!

432 Abercorn Street. I stayed on the sidewalk. That place creeps me out!It is said that people's camera's have quit working after taking pics here. My camera didn't quit, however my memory card got all screwed up. On the way back to Beaufort, I was trying to see the pics I had taken that night and my pics weren't in order. They were all over the place! At first, I thought they somehow gotten deleted. We found them, but like I said, they were all over the place! Coincidence? Who knows! But, I truly believe this house is evil! Read more about it here-

Ricky was more brave than I was. He actually looked through the mail slot! Not me!

It was getting dark, but this is the Mercer-Williams House. If you have ever seen or read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, this is the house they are talking about. Read more about it here-

Waiting of the ghost tour to start. The kids in front of the gate at Colonial Park Cemetery.

The Spanish Moss just adds to the creepy effect!

Like I said, I didn't get any good pics of any of the houses we saw, but Johnny did get a pic of some orbs at Wright Square. Alice Riley was the first female to be hanged in Georgia. She was pregnant so, they had to wait until after she had the baby to hang her. There is no Spanish Moss hanging from these trees. It is said that Alice won't allow the Spanish Moss to grow there as a sign of her presence. I don't want to totally butcher the story so, read more about Alice Riley here-
This isn't a ghost story, but you know at the beginning of Forrest Gump, where the feather starts floating down? This is the church from that scene.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Beach Day!

Wednesday of our vacation was spent at the beach. We went to Hunting Island State Park. I really love that beach. It's not all touristy and crowded. It's beautiful and peaceful. We had a really good time. I had not planned to get into the water, but I had forgotten how hot it gets! So, I ended up getting in. Got knocked over by a few waves, got a few mouths full of salt water and had fun!

One of the downed trees on the beach.

I just love the natural beauty!

The kids being all cool and junk

Uuummm yeah, so I am scared of birds. One of my greatest fears to be pecked to death by a pack of evil birds. So, I have no idea whatever possessed me to throw a piece of popcorn for the lone seagull that was in front of me. It was alone for about 2 seconds! I believe this is where the term "flock of seagulls' came from. I started throwing popcorn by the handfulls just to get them away from me!

Bryson and Jordan-Thanks Jordan!

Another tree

Loggerhead Turtle nest


The Hunting Island Lighthouse
After we left the beach, we all went home and cleaned up. I love the beach, but I am just not a fan of sand! And then, we all ended up taking a nap. That heat just zapped us. Our friend Chris came up for dinner later and we made the Frogmore Stew that we had bought the shrimp for the day before. Man, I love that stuff! Sure, we can made it in Indiana, but with frozen shrimp. Doesn't even compare to the fresh stuff! We stuffed ourselves to the point of being borderline sick, drank wine and caught up. Bry ended up hearing a few stories that should have been kept in the mom vault. Oops! It was a really fun night!
Frogmore Stew-