Saturday, July 30, 2011

Celebrity Crushes

A conversation was started at work yesterday about teenage celebrity crushes. My co-worker's aunt is a HUGE Donnie Osmond fan. Last year she went to a dinner with him. Now she is going on a Donnie Osmond cruise. She has a program to get herself ready for these moments. Losing weight, getting her teeth whitened, hair and nails done and of course picking out just the right dress. We were all laughing at this. And then started talking about our own teenage crushes. We have a few different generations of teenage years in our office. Of the 4 of us discussing this, we have a girl that grew up in the 70's. I am an 80's girl. And our 2 babies of the office are 90's girls. Now in the 70's and 80's, we used Tiger Beat and Teen Bop as a source to see our teenage dream men. The 90's girls didn't even know what Tiger Beat was! The girl from the 70's dreamed about Leif Garrett, Donnie Osmond (btw, she is NOT the one going on the cruise!), David Cassidy... The 90's girls mentioned N'Sync and The Backstreet Boys. Now for myself, I bought the magazines and carefully arranged my bedroom walls with the likes of these guys:
Ralph Macchio-Oh, the Karate Kid! He was so dreamy!

Kirk Cameron-He made me swoon every week when I watched Growing Pains!

And these guys! Corey Haim had the best smile EVER!

Oh Jon Bon Jovi! He still makes my heart race!

Poison! I loved me some big hair and tight pants!

Now if I was a teenage girl growing up today, you would definitely find these 2 guys hanging on my wall!
First of all let me say, I am Team Edward! But I am certainly not opposed to Jacob taking his shirt off!

Zack Efron- He has those eyes! And I love eyes!

Now that I am grown up, if my husband would allow posters of hot men to adorn our bedroom wall, you might find these guys hanging on them:
The Rock-Such a beautiful, beautiful man!

Chris Daughtry-Fell in the love with this guy the first time I heard him sing on Idol!

Bob Sanders- First of all, I watch football for football! BUT, I caught sight of this guy's butt one day! Seriously, Bob Sanders has the best butt in the NFL! And look at those arms! Sad that he won't be playing for the Colts. Loved watching him play when he was healthy enough to play!

Aaww, Paul Walker-This picture really needs no explanation!

Reggie Bush-Even though I am still bitter that the Colts lost to Saints in the Superbowl, this guy is hotter than hot! Although, if this photo were hanging my room, I would replace Kim's face with mine!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Vacation 2011- Trip To Savannah

This year we decided to make the trip to Savannah so we could go on a ghost tour. We went late afternoon so we could figure out where we were meeting up for the tour and so we could go to River Street. It helps if you write down the address of where you are supposed to go. We didn't. We walked all over trying to figure out where our tour was. And we had plenty of well meaning people trying to point us in the right direction. But each time it was for a different tour!It was hot! And I mean sweat your ass off hot! My face was freakishly red, partly was from the heat, partly from aggravation! And the kids kept saying "What are we doing? Where are we going?". Jordan, poor kid, got the brunt of it all when I finally snapped. Sorry Jordan! Momma was a little stressed! Since we all have normal cell phones. We can text, but no internet, I finally got smart and called my dear friend Lori and had her look up the site for the tour. She was a lifesaver! Once we knew where we had to go, we decided to grab dinner at Five Guys. Bryson got a veggie sandwich. Dude! Who gets a veggie sandwich at Five Guys Burgers and Fries! After we had cooled off and filled our bellies we headed down to River Street to check out all of the shops. After the initial stress of not knowing where we were going, we had a great time in Savannah! The kids have already said we have to go again next year!

The Lady and Sons restaurant. Wish we could have eaten there, but the wait was just too long! Bry and I love Paula!

Bry fixing her hair in Johnny's sunglasses.

Mom and Ricky

The guys

My 3

Wet Willie's! Spent some time here back in the day. My friend Stacy and I spent every Saturday night in Savannah. Our favorite places Hip Huggers, The Zoo and Malone's are no longer there. The parking garage where we used to park is now a park! Some of my favorite memories are of being down here with my girl Stacy!

Ricky and Johnny

Aawww Johnny found a friend!

Bry hanging out by the river

My 3 cheesin it for the camera.

All of us with the Talmadge Bridge in the background.

I tried to run away, but they found me!

I have to make time next year to come down when I have more daylight to see some more of the beautiful homes!

Jordan was excited when he saw the Vespa Car.
So was Bry..
Mr. Cool

Our ghost tour was with Blue Orb Ghost Tours. We went on the City of the Dead Tour. Jenny was our tour guide and she was wonderful! And I might add, my boys nabbed her when we were walking from place to place. She was very patient with them and answered any questions they had. And she listened to their stories too. I would love to do another tour next year! So interesting! We started out at Colonial Park Cemetary. We also visited slave burial grounds. Apparently, there are so many people buried there that if you dig there, you WILL find bones. In fact, a utility worker found a skull there a few years back when he was digging a gas line. Bone collectors started coming here at night to dig up bones, so the city had to install lights to keep them away. After the skull was found, the bone collectors would knock the lights out so they couldn't be seen digging there. Needless to say, the people that live around this area didn't like the idea of bones being dug up right outside of their houses.

Colonial Park Cemetary. It now closes at 8pm because there were animal sacrifices going on after dark. The spanish moss just adds to the spooky effect!
Picture of the tombstones inside of the cemetary that I took through the fence. The kids say we have to go during the day next year, so they can go into the cemetary. Many of the people who died from the Yellow Fever Epidemic were buried here. In 1820, nearly 700 people died from Yellow Fever in Savannah. Our tour guide also told us that one very cold winter during the Civil War, Union soldiers removed the remains from the family vaults and actually slept in them! They also thought it would be funny to change the dates on the tombstones.
I think Jenny told us 2 people died in this house. One person fell down an elevator shaft. The house is now empty.

The Mercer House-This is the house from Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

THIS house totally creeped me out! This is 432 Abercorn Street. General Benjamin Williams built the house back in the 1800's. His wife died while giving birth to their daughter, Emma in the upstairs bedroom above the porch. He resented Emma and was very abusive towards her.

If you click on this picture and make it bigger, you will see a shadow in the bottom right corner of the window. There is also an orb on the shadow. CREEPY!

Bry got on the steps for a picture, but she was totally nervous!

The rest of the story behind this house is that General Wilson didn't want his daughter playing with the children from a nearby school. He felt they were lower class. As punishment, he would tie her to a chair in front of the top right window and make her watch the other children play. One day he beat her really bad and then stuck her in the chair. There was no air conditioner in the 1800's. Nor were there any trees at that time to shade the window. One of the slave ladies found her in the chair. It was so hot that the sun had melted the skin right off of her face and she died tied to that chair. This house has been empty for years. Nobody has lived here since the 1920's. I believe the tour guide said it was purchased in the early 70's, but everytime restorations begin, the workers end up quitting because the house is so evil. I don't know if these stories are true, but I will tell you, this house made me uneasy! Super creepy!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Vacation 2011-Catching Dinner! Well Sorta....

The guys had such a great time fishing and crabbing off of the dock. Dusty caught like 23 sharks in one evening! Steve's dad and nephew Damonte came up and fished with them all day one day. Literally-ALL DAY and into the night. He also brought his steamer up, so they steamed the crabs they caught and ate them on the dock. That was about the only they caught that they ate, but they had a blast trying to catch other things. And us girls sat back gossiping and relaxing. That and trying to jump up and take pictures of the dolphins every time they came by! Wonderful times!

It's amazing how much fun can be had with a cheap fishing pole from Walmart!

Dusty and Johnny trying to remove one of Dusty's many catches.

Carrie's husband Scott helping Dusty bait his hook. Scott finally got tired of baiting his hook and taking sharks off the hook, so he showed Dusty how to do it himself. Good thing since Dusty caught 23 that night!

Waiting patiently... And fishing is the ONLY thing Dusty is ever patient with!

Our future marine biologist checking out Johnny's shark.

They caught a whole lot of these...

And one of these...

They were super excited when they got this guy! Took 3 of them to get him in. Especially after he got the line caught up in the crab basket!

Johnny showing off his "Big" catch...

Dusty and Jordan checking the crab basket.

This little dude thought he got away!

Instead he ended up here....
And here....
I missed the crab meal because I met up with some friends from high school at a Japanese place called Mizu. I had never been to a Japanese restaurant. It was delicious! And we had a great time catching up and of course bragging about our children! I hadn't seen a few of the these girls since graduation, which was like 19 years ago. Did I really just say 19 years ago??? Geesh!