So I am posting my 3rd post today! Not bad seeings how I hadn't posted anything for over a month! These are pictures of Dusty's 4th grade pioneer project. He chose to do a livery stable. Memom helped us come up with ideas of what to do. We all kind of feed off of one another. We all put in our ideas and decided together what would work and what wouldn't work. Dusty had a lot of insight about this project. Mom did the back part of the wagon, but was at a loss on how to do the front. No need to worry-Dusty had it all figured out! We weren't sure how to do the outside part and Debbie from work suggested we put it on a board, so we could have an outside area. She also suggested doing snow for the outside. Thanks Debbie! It worked out well. If you don't count the burnt fingers from the hot glue! As always, we had fun working on this. Kinda sad it's our last one....
Bryson was in the school musical "Oklahoma". She played the part of Virginia. She totally ROCKED her duet! She was the only Freshman in the play. She was the understudy for the main part. They said they were "grooming" her for next year. She has literally been waiting for a chance to be in the drama club since she was in the 2nd grade and started doing Christmas programs at church. She had a part in the Fall play also, but my pictures didn't turn out very well. :( The kids all did a FABULOUS job! I was quite impressed with some the talent AHS has. These kids all worked very hard and you could tell how much they enjoyed it. Can't wait for the next play!
I had to add a picture of Bryson's bed. Don't ask me how this girl sleeps in her bed with all of this STUFF! In this picture you will see clothes, books, a laptop ,boots, cell phone, a tennis racket and somewhere in there is BRYSON! This is only her bed. You wouldn't believe what the floor looks like! I think it may time to confiscate the cell phone and take the door off her hinges. That seems to be the only way we get this girl to clean her room in a hurry! She hates not being able to shut her door. And it really hurts her when I have her cell phone and tell her everytime she gets a text. I even offer to text her friends back, but for some reason she doesn't want me to! ;)
The kids all had to get new glasses. Bryson has never worn glasses. She says she looks like a librarian. I think she looks cute! Dusty had to get a new pair with a new prescription. No more bifocals! Jordan really wanted contacts. He tried for over an hour to get them in his eyes the first time we were there. His eyes were getting irritated, so we decided we'd try again when we went back to pick Bryson and Dusty's glasses. He tried again when we went back and still didn't have any luck. So, we ended up getting him another pair of glasses. Maybe he'll have better luck next year! I have pictures of Bryson and Dusty. Jordan was his normal self and wouldn't let me take any pictures of him. People probably think I like Bryson and Dusty better because I always have a ton of pictures of them. But Jordan doesn't like his picture taken and it's like pulling teeth to get him to let me take one!
Jordan was playing with dogs and taking pictures of them. He put sunglasses on Cinci. She looks super cool! And he made Bo look like a crazy demon dog from a sci- fi horror flick!
Dusty's birthday is today, March 14th. My baby turned 10 today! Yesterday we took him Lafayette and let him buy what he wanted. And Mom always take lets the kids pick where to go for lunch. Dusty picked my personal favorite, Texas Roadhouse. Yum! He had a good day. He got some video games, a t-shirt, and a pair of tennis shoes. He still has some money left to spent another day. Tonight I am making him is favorite-Cherry Cheesecake! And we were able to sneak a picture of Jordan! He was trying to hide his face with his glass, but it looks like he saying "CHEERS"!
Jordan's birthday was February 13th. And on that day he turned 13! Yes, I said 13! The night before his birthday, he had a friend stay over. Memom was nice enough to take Dusty for the night so he wouldn't annoy them. They had pizza for dinner and played video games way into the night. We took him shopping on his birthday. We lost Dusty in the mall that day. VERY scary moment. We thought Ricky had him and Ricky thought we had him. And he was left in the Game Stop and we were shopping away, thinking he was taken care of by the other! Ricky caught up with us some time later and asked where Dusty was. My heart sank! The mall was super crowded that day. We ran through the mall trying to find him. Luckily when he realized we had left, he went to the cashier and she called security. So glad he wasn't wandering the mall looking for us! We found him at customer courtesy and had a tearful reunion in middle of the mall! Now I know he isn't a little tiny kid, but I'm not ready to let him loose in the mall on his own. He was so scared. I know how scared I was for a few minutes, but he was scared for a long time! And I feel awful!So glad things turned okay! It could have been so bad! Jordan spent the rest of the day laughing and making "lost" jokes about his brother. Jordan ended up getting lots of video games, some new jeans, couple of shirts. He had wanted Golden Corral for his lunch, but they were lined out the door. So, we ended up at Outback. And I think Jordan was very happy it ended up that way! He LOVED it!Can't believe he is already 13!